Glen Marikana residents ready for their first day of relocation

Current structures that will be left behind after the relocation will be destroyed by the City.

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Residents of Glen Marikana Informal Settlement will be relocated to a new site in Putfontein as from today [Monday, 24 Feb].

This follows an eviction order granted by the Johannesburg High Court in November 2018, instructing the City of Ekurhuleni to seek an alternative residential site for the close to 3 000 residents who had illegally occupied private land on Dann Road in Glen Marais since 2017.

Member of Mayoral Committee (MMC) for Human Settlements, Clr Lesiba Mpya, announced the relocation date during a meeting with the affected households recently.

“Our role as a responsible government is to comply with the court order and move our people to a safe and secure place. We are currently engaged in a verification process to ensure that every occupant’s name is the one that appears in the court order,” Mpya  said.

The MMC also said work began in earnest in reblocking the new site so that when the new occupants arrive, they have access roads and stand pipes, including ablution facilities.

“We will provide transportation for the residents to make sure they settle well at their new site which they would call home,” he said.

Current structures that will be left behind after the relocation will be destroyed by the City.

Samuel Motshali, one of those affected dwellers, said: “I am originally from Limpopo and I have been here for the past three years after losing my job and couldn’t afford to pay rent.”

Community leader Kwena Monama said people would start packing their belonging on Saturday in readiness for the relocation on Monday.

“We are constantly communicating with the MMC’s office and we are ready to be moved to our new site,” he said.

Reprinted from Kempton Express – 2020-02-24. Emphasis/links by SD Law.

If you need help with an eviction matter…

We are eviction lawyers in Cape Town and Johannesburg. We act for both landlords and tenants and uphold the rights of each to a fair and satisfactory tenancy. If you are a landlord, we will make sure any eviction you undertake is fair and lawful. If you are a tenant and facing an unfair eviction, we will defend your rights. Contact Simon at Cape Town Eviction Attorneys on 086 099 5146 or email

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