
eviction process Archives | Eviction Lawyers South Africa

Pitfalls of eviction

By | Evictions, PIE, Tenants

How to avoid the traps that will scupper an eviction

Have you reached the end of the line with problem tenants? You’ve tried negotiating, pleading, and maybe even formal mediation, but you can’t resolve your differences and your tenants are in breach of their lease. Eviction is a last resort. It’s not a pleasant process and you may even like your recalcitrant tenants and want to avoid conflict. Eviction is time-consuming and costly, both in the short and long term. Eviction itself carries costs but, worse, your property might remain unoccupied for a while before you find suitable new tenants, depriving you of income. Unfortunately, sometimes eviction is necessary. If you do have to evict your tenants, how can you avoid the pitfalls and make sure you meet the correct conditions for eviction?


Evictions in South Africa are governed by the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act (PIE). The Rental Housing Act and the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) set out further conditions that must be met before an eviction can proceed. Property owners often make mistakes that prolong the eviction process. Avoid them for a hassle-free eviction. We go through the most common blunders below.

Failure to provide proper notice 

The conditions required for a lawful eviction to proceed are set out in the legislation cited above. Importantly, you must give your tenant sufficient notice in the correct manner. To evict a tenant you must give them notice of the breach and time to rectify the breach. If the breach is not rectified within the specified time frame, you can then terminate the lease. If the tenant does not agree to vacate the premises, you may apply to the court for an eviction order. Failure to follow the correct procedures can result in the eviction being declared unlawful and dismissed. 

Inadequate documentation 

A well-drafted lease agreement is essential and records should be kept of all communications with the tenant, especially regarding rental arrears and notices. The legal burden is on you to prove in court that the eviction is both just and right. Therefore, make sure you have sufficient evidence to back up the claim.

No valid reason for eviction 

You must have a valid and legal reason for evicting someone. Common reasons include non-payment of rent, breach of the lease agreement or the need to use the property for personal use. The eviction must be based on legitimate grounds. 

DIY evictions 

Landlords sometimes attempt to evict a tenant alone, without going through the courts. It is illegal to take the law into your own hands and forcibly evict tenants or cut off essential services such as water and electricity without a court order. Removing a tenant using threats, intimidation, harassment, or physical altercation opens the door for tenants to pursue criminal action against you. 

Incomplete maintenance and repairs 

Failure to address maintenance issues promptly can be used by tenants as a defence during eviction proceedings. You have a responsibility to maintain a safe and habitable property and you cannot purposefully make the property uninhabitable in any way. You should complete essential repairs or maintenance promptly. 

Failure to take legal advice 

One of the most common eviction mistakes is failing to take professional advice. Consulting a legal professional experienced in evictions and property law is crucial to making sure you follow the correct eviction process. Evictions are stressful and complicated; an understanding of the applicable laws is vital. The process can drag on and you may be tempted to take shortcuts, usually out of frustration. However, the consequences of not following the proper steps can be significant and result in further delays, costs, and possible legal action. 

Consult an eviction specialist

Simon Dippenaar & Associates, Inc. is a law firm of specialist eviction lawyers in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban. We help landlords and tenants maintain healthy working relationships but, when necessary, we assist with eviction, ensuring it is carried out legally and ethically. Contact one of our eviction attorneys on 086 099 5146 or simon@sdlaw.co.za if you need help with an eviction.

Further reading:

How to evict non-paying tenants

By | Evictions, Rent, Tenants

Evicting a non-paying tenant is a legal matter that should be handled to avoid incurring losses. This is how an eviction can be done.

Reprinted from citizen.co.za, by Kayla Ferguson – 2024-01-23

While it can be a lengthy process to evict tenants who fail to pay their rent, there are procedures in place to make sure that both the tenants’ and the landlords’ rights are protected. Following the necessary steps is key to a hassle-free eviction process.

Legal provisions

Adrian Goslett, Regional Director and CEO of RE/MAX of Southern Africa explains that both the tenant and the landlord must play fair with respect to their rental agreement.

“It is crucial to abide by the contractual agreements and, if not, to then proceed with the required legal procedures stipulated in this regard. It is only when people deviate from this that issues start to occur,” he notes.

Tenants are protected by two pieces of legislation, namely: the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from Unlawful Occupation of Land Act, No. 19 of 1998 (PIE Act), and the Rental Housing Act of 1999 (RHAct) as amended. The first sets out the process for evicting tenants, and the second makes it a criminal offence for a landlord to simply cut the supply of electricity or water, change the locks, confiscate tenants’ belongings, or stop a tenant from having access to the property.

“It is vital to always play by the rules. While you might think you can get a non-paying tenant out quicker if you change the locks or defer to other intimidation tactics, the truth is that this will most likely only provide the tenant with ammunition to use against you in the court proceedings. This will only drag things out further and cause more unnecessary complications and delays,” says Goslett.

Although it might be forgivable for the odd late payment if it’s a bank or financial system-related problem, a landlord cannot be so lenient if their tenant gets into the habit of paying their rent late.

How to go about the eviction

“Because the monthly payment date forms part of the rental agreement – which must also comply with the Consumer Protection Act – when a tenant doesn’t pay on time, they are technically in breach of contract. Legally, this means that a landlord should send the tenant a formal letter explaining that they have 20 business days to make the payment, and if they don’t pay their rent in that time, their lease will be cancelled,” Goslett explains.

If the tenant fails to pay what is due within the stipulated timeframe, the landlord can legally terminate the lease and ask them to leave. If the tenant refuses, the landlord can then take out a court order to evict the tenant for breach of contract.

“This process can take up to six months, during which your tenant can stay in your property and will probably still not pay rent. Once the eviction is granted, the tenant is usually given at least another 14 days to find new accommodation before the eviction order is executed,” says Goslett.

Because the eviction process can be so lengthy, Goslett suggests taking steps as soon as possible to prevent too great a loss of income. “The longer you take to act on a late or missed payment, the longer it will be before you can legally evict a tenant who continues to miss payments.”

To guard against this, landlords are encouraged to work with a professional RE/MAX rental agent who can thoroughly screen potential tenants and minimise the risk of late or missed payments.

“It can be tempting to go it alone in the mistaken belief that handling the property rental yourself will save you money. Also, when we’ve found the perfect tenant, it’s impossible to think that something might go wrong – until it does. It is better to get expert help from the very beginning than to try and navigate these challenges on your own,” Goslett concludes.

For more information on evicting a non-paying tenant

Simon Dippenaar & Associates, Inc. is a law firm of specialist eviction lawyers in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban. We help landlords and tenants maintain healthy working relationships. Contact one of our eviction attorneys on 086 099 5146 or simon@sdlaw.co.za if you need help evicting a non-paying tenant.

Further reading:

Legal reasons you can evict a tenant

Legal reasons for eviction

By | Eviction notice, Evictions, PIE, Tenants

Why can you legally evict a tenant?

As a landlord, you have a responsibility to your tenants. Your property may be an income-earning asset to you, but you must never lose sight of the fact that, to your tenants, it is home. Evicting a tenant is not an action you should enter into lightly, not least because it could cost you a considerable amount, both in legal costs and in lost income, should it take you a while to find another tenant. Unfortunately, sometimes the contract between landlord and tenant becomes strained. If you are unhappy with your tenants, there is a process to follow. But first you must have a legitimate reason for seeking an eviction order. What are the legal reasons for eviction?

Breach of lease agreement

The rental agreement, or lease, lists the terms and conditions of the tenancy. It provides protection to both landlord and tenant in the event of either party failing to fulfil their contractual obligations. Basically, any breach of the lease agreement by the tenant is a legitimate reason for you to cancel the lease. At this point it is very important that you understand the difference between cancelling the lease and evicting a tenant. Eviction is a legal process that is carried out via court order and the intervention of the sheriff (if necessary). Eviction is not in the hands of the landlord. See Eviction – how does it work? for an explanation of the proper procedure. Your lease should have a clause in it detailing the consequences of breaching any of the terms of the lease. What constitutes a breach? There are several circumstances.

Rental arrears

The most common breach is non-payment of rent. It is up to you how much leniency you wish to exhibit. If a tenant is a day or two late with the rent one month and they are otherwise a good tenant, it may be that the bank has made a mistake or some other human error has occurred. Tenants often set up debit orders to go out on the 29th of the month, to ensure the landlord receives the rent by the first of the following month. February always causes problems! Give your tenant a call and let them know you haven’t received the rent; this usually sorts the matter. If the rent is still not paid, or if you have experienced repeated incidents of this nature with no explanation and the rent is now in arrears, your tenant is in breach of the lease agreement. You are legally entitled to start eviction proceedings.

Illegal activities

If you discover that your tenant is engaging in criminal behaviour, this is a reason to start the eviction process. This might involve harbouring and/or selling stolen goods; dealing drugs, including cannabis (remember possession of cannabis is legal for personal use, but selling it is not); or using the premises for sex work (whatever your views one way or the other, sex work is still illegal in South Africa). The difficulty comes in proving your suspicions. You cannot claim a breach of the lease on a hunch. But don’t take the law into your own hands. If you have reason to suspect a crime is being committed, report it to the police and let them handle it. Only once you are certain your tenant is carrying out illegal activities may you begin the eviction process.

End of the lease agreement

Most lease agreements run for one year, occasionally two years, less commonly six months. At the end of the lease period, there is usually an option to renew, but it is not compulsory that you extend the lease. You may have decided to sell the property or move back in. If your tenant continues to occupy the property after the lease has expired or been terminated, and you have given notice according to the lease agreement and legislation, the tenant is now an illegal occupier and is required to vacate the property. If they don’t leave of their own accord, you may have to go to court to start the eviction process.

Violation of the lease terms and condition

If your tenant is in violation of the terms you have agreed other than rent, this constitutes a breach of the lease agreement, just as non-payment of rent does. The same process should be followed. In the first instance, speak to the tenant informally about your concerns and ask them to rectify the matter. If this does not work, send a letter notifying them that they are in breach and giving them a time frame (determined by legislation) to put things right. If they fail to do so, you are entitled to start the eviction process. Violations include pets on the property when the lease does not allow pets; excessive noise (i.e., nuisance complaints); unauthorised or excessive numbers of occupants (i.e., the property is being used as a commune when the lease specifies a maximum of e.g. four inhabitants; subletting without permission, or use of the property for purposes other than indicated in the lease (i.e., running a retail business from a non-commercial property).

Health and safety issues

It’s unusual, but occasionally tenants violate health and safety rules, putting themselves and neighbours at risk. A case arose a few years ago of a mushroom farm whose compost was causing such noxious odours that neighbours took the farm to court (see Nuisance law – when an odour mushrooms out of control). In this case, the farm was owned and not rented and the court case involved nuisance law rather than eviction. Had the offenders been tenants, the landlords would also have had a case against them.

Property damage

Most leases have a clause about the respective responsibilities of landlord and tenant, usually divided between maintaining the fabric of the building, which is the owner’s responsibility, and keeping the property generally clean and well maintained, which is the tenant’s duty. If the occupant is negligent and fails to reasonably maintain the property or advise the owner of structural problems, the landlord can seek eviction. For example, if the roof is leaking and water ingress is causing damage to walls, and the tenant does not notify the landlord, this is neglect. If the tenant accidentally or willfully breaks fixtures and does not repair them, this is damage. The damage must be significant for there to be grounds for eviction, and there must be evidence (i.e., photos).

Eviction procedure

Before undertaking a formal eviction process, you must send notice to the tenant informing them of the breach of the lease agreement, with specific reference to the clause they have violated. Give your tenant a reasonable chance to put things right (see Letter of demand). Inform them that only if no action is taken in that time will you cancel the lease. We can draft the letter and send it on your behalf. Many tenants will take a lawyer’s letter more seriously than one from the landlord alone.

Contact us

At Simon Dippenaar & Associates we are specialists in property law. We know rental housing legislation and the Consumer Protection Act inside out and we act for both landlords and tenants, so we know the challenges faced by both parties. Contact one of our eviction attorneys on 086 099 5146 or simon@sdlaw.co.za if you need advice on letters of demand or the eviction process.